Mark Forbes


My Treatment Philosophy

I believe God created us to live as a community where we help each other become the best version of ourselves we can be. I view my role as a counselor to help my patients to become the best version of themselves they hope to become. I want therapy to focus on making changes in how we think and act in order change how we feel and interact with others. This Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach, along with building on our strengths and successes will promote these positive changes.

Who I Work With

I work with adults and teens

What Therapy Looks Like In My Office

In sessions we practice asking ourselves questions in order to challenge perspectives, thoughts and reactions. We examine alternative ways to respond to stressful events which may be more helpful or beneficial. We try to focus only on what we can control, our thoughts and our actions, regardless of what others choose to think or do. In sessions we practice telling ourselves the truth in ways which are helpful. I believe we can find areas where we are successful or are our strengths and build on them, going from strength to strength, success to success. After a session, the pt may leave with several new ideas to pick from which may prove helpful. If not helpful, they can pick another idea and give it a try. We'll focus on building off what works.

Why I Became A Counselor

I became a counselor because it is very rewarding to help people become the best version of themselves that they want to become.

My Life Outside of Work

Personal Life

Away from work I enjoy traveling in an RV with my wife and two dogs and visiting state parks in South Carolina. I enjoy reading, watching movies and spending time with my daughter’s family. My grandchildren are a joy!

My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is the hardest question you ask. Today I will pick Pride and Prejudice because the realization that pride keeps us from seeing ourselves and others accurately. When pride is dealt with, there can be growth, change, close relationships, and hope.

If I Weren't A Counselor, I'd Be...

If I were not a counselor I would be a full-time husband, father, grandfather and neighbor trying to make my small corner of the world a better place!

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